Get out and enjoy Portland metro parks during free parking days.
In 2025, there are 19 free parking days at Portland metro parks, a beach and boat ramps that typically charge a $5 parking fee per car. All of these locations get you up close to our unique waterways, including the Columbia and Snake Rivers and Blue Lake.
Locations include Oxbow and Blue Lake regional parks, Broughton Beach, M. James Gleason Memorial Boat Ramp and Chinook Landing Marine Park. View the activities available at each location below.
2025 Free Parking Days at Portland Metro Parks
Free parking days waive the entrance fee at two regional parks and three beaches and boat ramps that typically charge a $5 per vehicle. Mark your calendar for these days:
- January 1
- January 16
- January 20
- February 17
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 19
- June 20
- July 17
- August 21
- September 18
- October 13
- October 16
- November 11
- November 20
- November 28
- December 18
Participating Parks, Beach and Boat Ramps
Here are the locations around Portland that participate in the free parking days. Parking at all other Metro parks and boat ramps is free year-round.
Blue Lake Regional Park
Oxbow Regional Park
Broughton Beach
Along the shores of the Columbia River, Broughton Beach is a great gathering spot on hot summer days. Go for a swim, have a picnic and go for a walk along the beach.
M. James Gleason Memorial Boat Ramp
M. James Gleason Memorial Boat Ramp is located at 4325 NE Marine Drive in Portland.
Chinook Landing Marine Park
For more information, visit Oregon Metro’s website.
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